日本・北米にて今週発売される新作ゲームをひとまとめにしてご紹介です。日本『うたわれるもの斬2』『Pokémon UNITE』、北米『Cris Tales』『Orcs Must Die! 3』他。日本注目タイトル【PS5】【PS4】うたわれるもの斬27月22日発売予定7月19日 月曜(日本)PlayStation 5 DL・ETERNALPlayStation 4 DL・ETERNAL7月20日 火曜(日本)Windows PC DL・Cris Tales HOT!・鉄者・すすめ!じでんしゃナイツPlayStation 5 DL・Cris Tales HOT!PlayStation 4 DL・Cris Tales HOT!Xbox Series X|S DL・Cris Tales HOT!・すすめ!じでんしゃナイツ・Death's DoorXbox One DL・Cris Tales HOT!・すすめ!じでんしゃナイツ・Death's DoorNintendo Switch DL・Cris Tales HOT!・すすめ!じでんしゃナイツ7月21日 水曜(日本)Windows PC DL・AKIBA'S TRIP ファーストメモリー HOT!・桜花ノ艦隊・パトルの軍事博物館3 超絶無敵究極兵器・Death's DoorPlayStation 5 DL・ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights HOT!・Alba Wildlife AdventurePlayStation 4・戦国†恋姫~乙女絢爛☆戦国絵巻~・恋愛、借りちゃいました・おにあま -わたしに甘えて、お兄ちゃん♥-PlayStation 4 DL・ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights HOT!・戦国†恋姫~乙女絢爛☆戦国絵巻~・恋愛、借りちゃいました・おにあま -わたしに甘えて、お兄ちゃん♥-・Alba Wildlife AdventureNintendo Switch・戦国†恋姫~乙女絢爛☆戦国絵巻~・恋愛、借りちゃいました・Overcooked! - オーバークック 王国のフルコースNintendo Switch DL・Pokémon UNITE HOT!・戦国†恋姫~乙女絢爛☆戦国絵巻~・恋愛、借りちゃいました・おにあま -わたしに甘えて、お兄ちゃん♥-・Alba Wildlife Adventure・FATAL TWELVE・G-MODEアーカイブス36 ビーチバレーガールしずく3 世界大会編・G-MODEアーカイブス37 萌えスロ☆ビーチのしずく7月22日 木曜(日本)Windows PC DL・海の世界の星追いPlayStation 5・うたわれるもの斬2 HOT!PlayStation 5 DL・うたわれるもの斬2 HOT!PlayStation 4・うたわれるもの斬2 HOT!PlayStation 4 DL・うたわれるもの斬2 HOT!Nintendo Switch・SWEET CLOWN ~午前三時のオカシな道化師~Nintendo Switch DL・SWEET CLOWN ~午前三時のオカシな道化師~・Last Stop7月23日 金曜(日本)PlayStation 4 DL・Orcs Must Die! 3 HOT!7月24日 土曜(日本)Windows PC DL・Emotion・MayBlues北米注目タイトル【PC】【PS5】【PS4】【XSX|S】【XB1】【NSW】Cris Tales7月20日発売予定7月19日 月曜(北米)Windows PC DL・Existensis・Fish Heads・Sapling・Simple parkour・Star Tank・They're Coming・Yoshimitsu Hatsumi7月20日 火曜(北米)Windows PC DL・Cris Tales HOT!・AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed HOT!・Clown In a House・Death's Door・Fallen Knight・Follow Your Heart・Gabriels Worlds The Adventure・Gopnik・Horror Villa・Mini Motorways・Rescue Friends Solitaire・Rogue Company・Shanghai1920・Tactical Vanguard Saga・Trenches - World War 1 Horror Survival Game・Tube Rolling・Wind of shurikenPlayStation 5・Cris Tales HOT!PlayStation 5 DL・Cris Tales HOT!・ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights HOT!PlayStation 4・Cris Tales HOT!・AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed HOT!・Cotton Reboot! HOT!PlayStation 4 DL・Cris Tales HOT!・AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed HOT!・ENDER LILIES: Quietus of the Knights HOT!・Cotton Reboot! HOT!Xbox Series X|S・Cris Tales HOT!Xbox Series X|S DL・Cris Tales HOT!・Death's Door・Fallen Knight・Mind MazeXbox One・Cris Tales HOT!Xbox One DL・Cris Tales HOT!・Death's Door・Fallen Knight・Mind MazeNintendo Switch・Cris Tales HOT!・AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed HOT!・Cotton Reboot! HOT!Nintendo Switch DL・Cris Tales HOT!・AKIBA'S TRIP: Hellbound & Debriefed HOT!・Cotton Reboot! HOT!・Mind Maze・Steam: Rails to Riches Complete Edition7月21日 水曜(北米)Windows PC DL・Craft Craft Craft!・Dot Dash Dot・Eggy・Fear Protocol: Shadow Paradigm・Mini Jumper・MouseBot: Escape from CatLab・Mythos Ever After: A Cthulhu Dating Sim RX・Now you can't see me・Occupation 2.5・SAVE THE UNICORN・Shut your teeth・Super Sami Roll・The Last Rolling Hero・The Secret of Retropolis・TIERRA - Mystery Point & Click Adventure・Unshaded・VR Eagles of Victorian England・XSection・Yummy MahjongXbox Series X|S DL・Gaps by POWGI・In rays of the Light・MouseBot: Escape from CatLab・The Last Rolling HeroXbox One DL・Gaps by POWGI・MouseBot: Escape from CatLab・The Last Rolling HeroNintendo Switch DL・FATAL TWELVE・MouseBot: Escape from CatLab7月22日 木曜(北米)Windows PC DL・Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector HOT!・Asterism・Dead-End Detective: The Sixpence Strangler・Glisten to your heart: The courage within you - Don't give up (ep. 1)・Hidden Forest・In da Hoop!・Last Stop・Noosphere・PEOPLEDOWN・Song of Farca・The Best BJ・The Witch Eye・Urban Trial Tricky Deluxe Edition・Vaccine APlayStation 5 DL・Last StopPlayStation 4 DL・Last Stop・Urban Trial Tricky Deluxe EditionXbox Series X|S DL・Last Stop・The Innsmouth CaseXbox One DL・Last Stop・The Innsmouth Case・Urban Trial Tricky Deluxe EditionNintendo Switch DL・Aery - Calm Mind・Bishoujo Battle Mahjong Solitaire・Bunny Bounce・Last Stop・Nyakamon Adventures・#pinocchio, Super Puzzles Dream・Racing Xtreme 2・Terra Bomber・Terra Lander・Terra Lander II - Rockslide Rescue・Timothy vs the Aliens・Wood Block Escape Puzzles 37月23日 金曜(北米)Windows PC DL・Orcs Must Die! 3 HOT!・Battlegrounds: First Blast・Beauty Agent・Box And Ball・B.Y.O.O.L. - Best Years Of Our Lives・Creeping Darkness・duamo・Faded Grey・Football tournament・Heal Hitler・idolYAKI: From Delinquents to Pop Stars・Interregnum Chronicles: Signal・my brother lives in a canyon・My Cute Pagangirl・One thousand baht simulator・Pop it, Please!・Rat Prison・Reality's Reverse Side・RhythmSlinger・Road Bustle・Seblen: Battle!・Shades of Sakura・Smoots Summer Games・Sorcerous・StOoPiD Puzzle Game・Survival Escape Room・VR shooting cute balloons・You Can't Finish・YUKI・408 - The Forbidden RoomPlayStation 4 DL・Orcs Must Die! 3 HOT!・Blue FireXbox Series X|S DL・Orcs Must Die! 3 HOT!・Aery - Calm Mind・Freddy Spaghetti 2.0・Scrap Garden・Where the Snow SettlesXbox One DL・Orcs Must Die! 3 HOT!・Aery - Calm Mind・Freddy Spaghetti 2.0・Scrap Garden・Where the Snow SettlesNintendo Switch DL・Dininho Space Adventure・Freddy Spaghetti 2・Hunter Shooting Camp・Sports Pinball Bundle・Truck Simulator 2・112 Operator7月24日 土曜(北米)Windows PC DL・Antithesis・Azurael's Circle: Chapter 5・BeatJunkies・Captain Bones: Prologue・Cat Simulator : Animals on Farm・Cookie Space・Farmageddon: A Cattle Royale・Goddess detective・Grey Lucidity・Heroines・Indigo 7・Planet B24・Pop This Pop-It・Red Frozen・RPG: Squad battle・SlideNSlip・Star Chef 2: Cooking Game・Sur・Take town・VR Military Reporter in Middle East (with tanks & helicopters)・Your Adventure・2236 A.D. 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