
【GDC 2013】いよいよ開幕、注目セッションと取材予定を一挙公開

世界中からゲーム関係者が集い、多岐に渡るテーマで議論を繰り広げる「Game Developers Conference」。いよいよ現地時間の本日より5日間の日程で、サンフランシスコのMoscone Centerにて開幕します。ここでは筆者の独断による注目セッションと取材予定を一挙公開します。

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【GDC 2013】いよいよ開幕、注目セッションと取材予定を一挙公開
  • 【GDC 2013】いよいよ開幕、注目セッションと取材予定を一挙公開
  • 【GDC 2013】いよいよ開幕、注目セッションと取材予定を一挙公開
世界中からゲーム関係者が集い、多岐に渡るテーマで議論を繰り広げる「Game Developers Conference」。いよいよ現地時間の本日より5日間の日程で、サンフランシスコのMoscone Centerにて開幕します。ここでは筆者の独断による注目セッションと取材予定を一挙公開します。

2月に発表されたプレイステーション4や今後発表が予定されるXbox次世代機など久しぶりに家庭用ゲーム機が賑わいを見せそうな2013年。ソニーの「Overview of PS4 for Developers」ではPS4のゲーム開発の概要が明らかにされる予定。Wii Uで迎え撃つ任天堂は「Nintendo Wii U Application Development with HTML and JavaScript」と題してウェブ技術を用いた開発について明らかにします。新興勢力ではNVIDIAが「NVIDIA Project SHIELD and Tegra 4」を実施します。

次世代機での開発が活発化するデベロッパーでは小島秀夫氏が「Photorealisn Though the Eyes of a FOX: The Core of Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes」にてFox Engineの全容を語る予定。既にPS4で『Destiny』を発表しているBungieは「Brave New World: New Bungie IP」、次の一手に注目が集まるValveは「What We Learned Porting Team Fortress 2 to Virtual Reality」が行います。

引き続き注目のスマートフォン関係ではグリーのMike Lu氏が「Modern War: A Mid-Core Journey into Live Ops」としてミッドコアタイトルについて、ディー・エヌ・エーのYuji Shimizu氏が「Blood Brothers: How a Japanese Mobile RPG Made It to the Top of the American Charts」では日本のRPGの海外展開について、PopCapのJames Gwertzman氏は「OMG! Zombies on the Great Wall of China!」として『Plants and Zombies』の中国での成功について語ります。

日本人セッションではガンホーの森下一喜社長が「100% Fun: Keeping Players Engaged」としたセッションを予定。海外でも勢いを増す『パズル&ドラゴンズ』に言及されそうです。また、『LA-MULANA』の楢村匠氏は「Commun-indies: Making the Most of Your Indie Community」でインディーコミュニティについて講演します。今年はシナリオがGDCの大きなテーマの一つですが、スパイク・チュンソフトの打越鋼太郎氏は「Visual Novels: Narrative Design in Virtue's Last Reward」との講演を予定します。

毎年好評のクラシックゲームのポストモーテムでは『Myst』、『X-COM: UFO Defence』、『Pinball Construction Set』、『Crystal Castles』が予定されています。

最後に今年、GDC取材チームが会場に足を運ぶ予定のセッションリストを以下に掲載します。あくまで「行く予定」で、内容に乏しい、余りにも難解で書けなかった、予定が変更になった、などアクシデントも想定されますが、現地に足をお運びの方の参考になれば幸いです。また、セッション以外にもエキスポブース、小規模デベロッパーを中心に出展しているGDC PLAY、毎年恒例のDevelopers Choice Award、夜の様々なパーティなど一週間に渡ってサンフランシスコから様々な情報をお届けしていく予定です。どうぞお楽しみに。

10:00 Taking the Leap from Student to Studio: The Story About Making FRACT
10:00 Free to Play Game Design: A Year in Review
10:00 AI Postmortems: Assassin's Creed III, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, and Warframe
10:35 Molyjam: How Twitter Jokes Can Save Video Games
11:15 Games for Impact R&D: The GLS Center
11:15 The Art of Incredipede
11:15 There's More to Life Than Press Releases and Promo Codes
11:15 Put the Payer in Player: Monetizing Games Through Scalable Advertising
11:50 Shellrazer - Designing In-App Purchase Without Losing Your Soul
11:50 The Game Attorney's Intellectual Property Primer for Educators
13:45 Building Scalable, Cross-Platform Graphics Systems for Mobile
13:45 How We Created Mark of the Ninja Without (Totally) Losing Our Minds
13:45 ZombiU: Creating an Undead Cult
13:45 The Unfinished Swan: From Student Prototype to Commercial Game
13:45 Modern War: A Mid-Core Journey into Live Ops
13:45 How to Sell Your QA Services on a Free-to-Play Project
14:20 Writing Grant Proposals for Commercially Viable Game Products
14:20 Free Indie Games: Curating the DIY Revolution
14:20 NimbleDo's & Don'ts
15:00 Developing for a Moving Target: Free-to-Play in an Evolving Marketplace
15:00 OMG! Zombies on the Great Wall of China!
15:00 Creatrilogy: Three Talks Exploring Indie Game Creativity
15:00 The Winning Formula: Secrets & Strategies to Publishing Profitable Mobile Games
15:00 Avengers Initiative: Transitioning from Console to Mobile Patrick Moran
15:35 Candy Crush Saga Postmortem: Luck in the Right Places
15:35 Successfully Operating Western Games in China
16:30 Crowdfunding for Indies: Real Numbers and Trends
16:30 Narrative in Games - Role, Forms, Problems, and Potential
16:30 Scaling F2P Mobile Across Platforms - And Across the World
16:30 Game Design Curriculum Deathmatch
17:05 From Click to Tap: Building Kingdoms of Camelot for Mobile
17:05 How to Lie with Analytics
17:05 Obsessive-Compulsive Development: Retro/Grade Postmortem
17:05 Is That a Gun in Your Pocket or Are You Just Happy to See Me? Evolving the Emotional Content of Games

10:00 Best Practices for Leveraging Worldwide Age Ratings Submissions and Geopolitical Content Reviews
10:00 Bringing the Game to Life - Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn Postmortem
10:00 Blood Brothers: How a Japanese Mobile RPG Made It to the Top of the American Charts
10:35 Return on Investing in a Robust Localization Database
11:15 The Emerging Landscape of African Game Development
11:15 Challenges of the Dual Customer in Kids Mobile Games - Kids and Their Parents
11:15 Why Won't FarmVille Go Away?
11:15 Game Design Is Business Design
11:50 Design Occlusion is Killing Your Creativity
11:50 The Western Games That Conquered China
13:45 Making a Better Girl Game: Playdom's City Girl Postmortem
13:45 Video Game Journalism in the National University System
13:45 Designing Without a Pitch - FTL Postmortem
13:45 Localization Microtalks: Around the World in Sixty Minutes
13:45 Publishing 2.0: What's the Real Deal?
13:45 Video Game Journalism in the National University System
14:20 We Are Not Heroes: Contextualizing Violence Through Narrative
15:00 BBC, Cross-Media and Video Games
15:00 Surviving Free to Play for Small and Early-Stage Start-Ups
16:30 Latin America - Essential Insights into the Most Vibrant Growth Market in Gaming
16:30 Science Speaks: The Necessity of Localization
17:05 Designing Beyond the Frontiers of F2P
17:05 Implementing Blizzard's Localization Vision in Real Time

9:30 Developing a Second Screen Experience with Xbox SmartGlass (Presented by Microsoft)
9:30 2013 Game Changers: How Will Devices Impact Your Future Growth?
11:00 Mobile Game Discovery and Engagement: The Importance of Consumer Segmentation
11:00 Kickstarter Lessons for Indie Game Developers
11:00 Overview of PS4 for Developers (Presented by Sony Computer Entertainment America)
11:00 RPG Development: Inspiration and Perspiration
11:00 Photorealism Through the Eyes of a FOX: The Core of Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes
11:00 Clone Wars: The All Out Assault on Innovation in Games
12:30 Basic Game Building for Windows Phone (Presented by Microsoft)
12:30 How Mobile Ad Tracking Impacts App Marketing Results (Presented by Fiksu)
14:00 Kingdom Age by the Numbers: A Postmortem
14:00 Designing DayZ: Lessons from Cherno
14:00 Game Writers' Roundtable: Tips, Tricks, and Techniques
14:00 Nintendo Wii U Application Development with HTML and JavaScript
14:00 Running the VR Gauntlet -- VR Ready, Are You? (Presented by Oculus VR)
14:00 Scapegoats No More: Improving the Public Image of Games
14:35 F2P the Wrong Way: Age of Empires Online
15:30 Classic Game Postmortem: Myst
15:30 Miiverse Support from Your Games
15:30 Next Generation Character Rendering
15:30 Usability Is Not Random
17:00 The Science Behind Shaping Player Behavior in Online Games
17:00 Exploring SimCity: A Conscious Process of Discovery
17:00 Monetize, Localize and Market Your Game in Emerging Regions, Including Russia/CIS Countries, Latin America & More
17:00 Tokyo Jungle and Japan's Gaming Potential
17:00 We Are the Space Invaders (Presented by NASA)
18:30 IGF & Choice Awards Ceremony

10:00 How CSR Broke the Mold in Freemium
10:00 Behind the Scenes of Dragon's Dogma: A Look at the Development of Capcom's Open-World Action Role-Playing Game
10:00 Building SimCity: Art in the Service of Simulation
10:00 PlayStation Vita Development: From Start-to-Finish and Why You Should Be Excited About It
10:35 CSR Racing: Secrets and Lessons
10:35 Designing a Live MMORPG: The First Year of Star Wars: The Old Republic
11:30 Child's Play: Making Games for Kids Roundtable
11:30 Commun-indies: Making the Most of Your Indie Community
11:30 Shout at the Devil: The Making of Diablo III
11:30 Virtual Reality: The Holy Grail of Gaming (Presented by Oculus VR)
11:30 Humanity's Last Game: The Game Design Challenge Final Championship
13:00 The Future of Mobile Gaming (Presented by ARM)
14:30 Awesome Video Game Data 2013
14:30 Sex in Video Games
14:30 The 5 Key Plot Points to Creating a Great Story
14:30 Visual Novels: Narrative Design in Virtue's Last Reward
16:00 Brave New World: New Bungie IP
16:00 Casual Games Roundtable
16:00 Designing Journey
16:00 NVIDIA Project SHIELD and Tegra 4: Redefining AFK (Presented by NVIDIA)
16:00 Schrodinger's Cat in a Mercedes: Making Games with Nonlinear Narrative
16:00 Play with Data: The Many Faces of Online Game Data
17:30 The Art Direction of DmC Devil May Cry
17:30 Why Virtual Reality Is Hard (And Where It Might Be Going)
17:30 Building your Gaming Strategy for BlackBerry 10 (Presented by BlackBerry)
17:30 Crossing Microsoft Screens: Building Cross Platform Gameplay in Skulls of the Shogun (Presented by Microsoft)
17:30 Moving Games into the Cloud, Technologies and Architectures (Presented by NVIDIA)
18:05 The Walking Dead: Crafting a Stylized World for the Mature Franchise
18:05 What We Learned Porting Team Fortress 2 to Virtual Reality

10:00 When It's Only Sound: Creating an Audio-Only 'Video' Game
10:00 The Reinvention of Tomb Raider
11:30 100% Fun: Keeping Players Engaged
11:30 Rapid Development of High Performance Games for Mobile and Web
14:30 The Art of Journey
14:30 Halo Reborn: A Postmortem on the Creation of Halo 4
14:30 Outernauts: From AAA Console to AAA Flash Games
14:30 Simulating a City, One Page at a Time
14:30 Through the Grinder: Refining Diablo III's Game Systems
14:30 Workplace Environment Design Roundtable
15:05 Designing the 100+ Characters of Infinity Blade: Establishing Constrained Diversity
16:00 Going Rogue: Game Design Freelancing 101
16:00 Counterplay and Teamplay in Multiplayer Game Design
16:00 Cutscenes Everywhere: The Tech Behind StarCraft II's Storytelling
16:00 Ten Principles for Good Level Design
16:35 Defining a Target Market for a Connected TV Platform



ゲームビジネス アクセスランキング

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    【DEVELOPER'S TALK】『ドラッグ オン ドラグーン』のスタッフが再集結!PS3とXbox360で異なる主人公を描いた『ニーア レプリカント/ニーア ゲシュタルト』に迫る

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